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How it all started

Our Story

Over 20 years ago while Aston Farquharson was still working on Wall St. as a corporate lawyer, he read a statistic.

At the time the statistic reported that only .8% of the human population died of old age. An alarming and increasing portion of the remaining 98.2% were dying of disease.

This was poignant for Aston. At a young age he had already watched helplessly as his father deteriorated and died from prostate cancer and was still watching his mother suffer amputation after amputation due to the complications of gestational diabetes, which eventually took her life.

Something seemed wrong. Was everything that could be done for his parents provided?

Aston's deep interest in chemistry and physics led him to consider the power of nature. What if nutrition is what was missing? What if nutrition, at every stage of prevention and treatment, could alter our outcomes?

This led to years of research and development that would eventually turn into NuSpecies' flagship formula.

But it didn't end there.

What about the factors out of our control? Our habitat is deteriorating. We need a healthy habitat to grow the plants that we use as medicine. We also need a healthy habitat with clean air, water, nutritious soil, etc. to support vibrant human life.

And so over the last 16 years, one by one, NuSpecies group of companies formed.

NuSpecies is a group of companies all founded by Aston Farquharson with the support of Jillian Pelliccio whose mission is to protect life - the life of human and non-human animals as well as the habitat that we depend on.

NuSpecies Group of Companies in order of when they were founded:

NuSpecies Foundation - Aston's charitable work and donations marked the early beginnings of NuSpecies and that passion to help others bloomed into all that we do today.

NuSpecies Nutrition - Original, raw, liquid, high potency herbal medicine and nutritional supplements manufactured in the U.S.

NuSpecies Global Machines - Innovative Renewable Energy Technology currently in research and development with 7 patents granted globally.

NuSpecies History - Educational programming focused on the aspects of ancient human history that have been left out, forgotten, or misunderstood by our modern, official records.


Aston is a scientist whose study of chemistry and physics continued with innumerable experiments building prototypes and formulas long after graduating from Long Island University. He invents NuSpecies’ original formulas and founded the NuSpecies group of companies.

President and CEO of NuSpecies


Aston Farquharson's thoughtful inventions in organic chemistry to improve human health inspire his collaboration with doctors and biochemists, which led to the manufacture of LNu and other NuSpecies’ raw, natural, and organic formulas from whole foods plant extracts.

Aston has been granted numerous patents by the USPTO in physics and technologies. His practice of a natural lifestyle hardened after he watched helplessly as his father died from prostate cancer. His resolve to make a difference strengthened when his mother died soon after from the complications of diabetes. That other family members also died young from these diseases and not Good Old Age signaled the limits of medical science and the necessity of also relying on our body's biochemistry to rebuild and detoxify itself.

Aston graduated from Syracuse College of Law and began his corporate life at a major Wall Street Law Firm doing Mergers and Acquisitions globally. From there he was recruited into IBM’s Legal Department and negotiated Outsourcing Deals in over a hundred countries. Aston is also an attorney licensed to practice law in NY and other states.

The untimely deaths of his father, mother and two brothers from chronic diseases led to his resignation from IBM. He founded NuSpecies to help those with cancer and other chronic diseases. The NuSpecies companies are dedicated to helping life forms to live healthier and longer, to promote the natural habitat and ecology of Earth; he has patented other inventions in Alternative Energy.

Aston takes great pride in knowing that NuSpecies has already helped thousands around the world to live better and longer.