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Caffeine Free Energy

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Caffeine Free Energy
Although there are health benefits in drinking coffee, there are more health conscious ways to get a quick boost of energy. Most of us grab a cup of coffee to start our days but by a certain time we reach for another cup to avoid a crash. This viscous cycle keeps addicted to caffeine. Here's a list of foods and alternative drinks to help keep your energy going throughout the day.
  1. Water: dehydration could be a trigger of your tiredness. If you drink cold water this could also shock your system to wake you up a bit. Drink a glass of water every few hours to stay hydrated. Caffeine can also make you urinate more which means you are losing water.
  2. Blueberries: have natural stimulants. Their natural sugar is converted into energy that can stick around almost three times longer than energy created by synthetic sugar.
  3. Orange juice: the vitamin C boosts your energy. Citrus such as lemons limes and oranges also give you a kick.
  4. Raw nuts: stabilize your blood sugar for a long time. They also contain protein, which will not automatically give you an energy boost, but will give you a gradual sense of increased energy.
  5. Apples: have boron (a trace mineral) which is good for alertness and helps improve brain power.
  6. Bananas: a good source of potassium which when it is low can cause fatigue, muscle cramping and dehydration.
  7. Quinoa: gives a steady stream of energy. It's high in Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) which improves energy metabolism in brain and muscle cell. Also helps create energy production in cells.
  8. Edamame: contain a balance of carbs, protein and good fat, so your body burns them slowly and you avoid a slump.

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