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Getting Your Hair Did? Or Don’t!

Posted by Jillian Pelliccio on
Getting Your Hair Did? Or Don’t!
By: Dr. Claudia Guy According to an article in the Atlanta Journal, black women are at higher risk for cancers and hormonal issues than any other ethnic group. Dozens of black hair products contain a multitude of chemicals that disrupt hormones, cause cancer, and harm fetuses. These products are edge controls, frizzy hair controls, hair relaxers, hot oil treatments, leave-in conditioners and more. Many of these chemicals in black hair products are banned in the European Union and strictly regulated in California. According to the statistics, in 2017, African-American women spent $54 million of the $63 million spent on ethnic hair products. This enormous spending by black women in America makes them a target for toxic beauty products on the market. You can empower yourself to not be a part of the above statistics and instead choose natural hair products, which is a booming industry. Not sure where to start? Check out the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics database for tested products to know which ones are safe for you. We highly recommended starting your search on their database because product labeling is very deceptive and although a product will claim to be natural, it's rare that it actually is. It’s never too late to start detoxing from these chemicals. See a Naturopathic Doctor at your local NuSpecies office. If you've detoxed your hair regimen, please comment below and let us know what's working for you.

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