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NUHISTORY: Early Human History Intro

Posted by Kayla Bowen on
NUHISTORY: Early Human History Intro

The Egyptians write in hundreds of places: in their monuments and in their official records, that they are from the land of Punt. Though the land of Punt is located deep in Africa, there are those who refuse to accept that the Egyptians know their ancestry. Unproven theories and narratives were thus created to fill a void that is not there.

Queen Hatshepsut in her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri, 1470 BC

Inscriptions by Hatshepsut and from Egyptians of the 18th Dynasty Period identify the origin of the Hathor god as Punt. Amun Re or Ra, the Supreme God, is worshipped all over Africa.

The Egyptians sometimes call Punt land Ta-Netjeru, meaning "Land of the Gods," and state that it is their place of origin.

Painted limestone relief of offering-bearers, from the cult chapel of Queen Hatshepsut in her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri, c. 1470 B.C. says the Egyptians are from the land of Punt.

Ramesses II (1279-1213 BC) and Ramesses III (1186-1155 BC) extensively mentioned Punt as the most important land and sacred place for them. 


The details in the Harris Papyrus (in the British Museum) speaks of an expedition sent by Ramesses III to Punt.

The innumerable Kushites' and Egyptians' stele, stone tablets, temples and mortuaries, papyri, other hieroglyphics as well as hieratic scripts, and inscriptions on their monuments do not mention or imply any other land to be their ancestral homeland other than the Horn of Africa or deep into the interior of southern areas of Africa. These areas are from Nubia or Ethiopia to the lands of Tanzania and Lake Nalubaale not far from Olduvai Gorge or Kenya. Lake Nalubaale is the Mother of the Nile River and the largest of the Great Lakes in Africa. The Africans also call this lake the "Mother of God."

Clearly, by their own written words and by the very images of their own statues or statuettes of themselves that are like modern-day pictures, the Ancient Egyptians (Kemites) and Kushites are unmistakably Africans. And yes Africans are the most bio-diverse people in the world with shades and colors and with facial features that are not all the same. Clearly, more than a few seem to be quite inexplicably confused and not accepting of this ancestral diversity. Still, the statues and statuettes are quite unmistakable up until the Greeks took Egypt!

King Sahure of the Fifth Dynasty (c. 2498-2345 BC) witnessed Egypt’s flourishing through trade with Punt Land.

King Huni and later Khufu of the 4th Dynasty 2613 BC to 2494 BC mentions Nubia and the land of Punt.

Most dynasties document in their records Ta Netjer to mean the "Land of gods" or the "Holy Land" or the "Land of gods and ancestry" or "Ancestral Homeland" to be the land of Punt. These lands are from Nubia or Ethiopia or Kush stretching south to the lands of Tanzania, Congo, Kenya, and possibly beyond.

Proof of Punt’s Location:

"The remains of a hamadryas baboon discovered by 19th-century archaeologists in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes was examined. Based on Queen Hatshepsut Deir el-Bahari relief showing baboons climbing around on the returning ship, this species actually lived in Punt. The DNA shows that the hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) is a species of baboon native to Africa. The strontium ratio in the tooth enamel confirmed that the baboon found in ancient Thebes had not been born in Egypt. Instead, an analysis of strontium ratios in 31 modern baboons from across East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula suggests the animal was born in an area stretching across modern-day Eritrea, Ethiopia, and northwest Somalia. That’s where most archaeologists think Punt was located and thus implies the baboon is the first known Puntite treasure", Dominy says.

Nathaniel Dominy is a primatologist at Dartmouth College, and his colleagues discovered it archived away at the British Museum.

- Forbes, December 21, 2020

"Archaeologist Auguste Mariette came upon geographical lists at the Karnak Temple, which had been left by the Pharaoh Thutmose III of the Eighteenth Dynasty (r. 1458–1425 BCE). These hieroglyphics include Punt among the territories that lay to the south of Egypt deeper into Africa," Egyptologist Abdel Monem A. H. Sayed said.

A 26th Dynasty stele was also recovered from the ancient site of Dafnah (Daphnae) near the Delta, which contains an inscription stating that 'when rain falls on the mountain of Punt, the Nile floods.' This is a clear allusion to the Ethiopian highlands, where the Blue Nile rises (cf. Sayed (1989)). Coupled with some of the floral and faunal evidence discussed below, Mariette’s discovery and the Dafnah tablet helped shift scholarly opinion as to where Punt was situated (including eventually that of Brugsch himself) away from a hypothesized Arabian location to the adjacent Horn of Africa.

The earliest of these writings is the Palermo Stone explaining ancient Egyptian expeditions to Punt during the thirteenth regnal year of Sahure (ca. 2445 BCE), the second Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom’s Fifth Dynasty. The expeditions brought back goods and animals. The frankincense only existed from Sudan to Tanzania. The Secretary Bird and the ceramic pottery only existed between Sudan and Tanzania. (Hoare (2020)).

The Egyptologist Filip Taterka of the Polish Academy of Sciences found a well-preserved depiction of the same species on a nearby wall block. Thanks to its unique head feathers, Taterka was able to identify the animal as the Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius).

This conclusion was also later confirmed by three ornithologists. Taterka’s finding is of particular importance vis-a-vis the debate on the whereabouts of Punt because the Secretary Bird only lives in open grassland in Africa. The species is endemic to Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan alike; it actually serves as a national emblem in Sudan. This fact strongly tips the weight of evidence in favor of a Northeast African location for Punt (cf. Foundation PAP).

The Kushite Egyptians culture also came from Southern Africa’s Adam’s Calendar Astronomical Observatory in Southern Africa over 75,000 years old; from Ishango Bone with Mathematics from Congo 30,000 years old; from Nabta Playa Astronomical Observatory in Sudan between 10,000 and 30,000 years old when the equinoxes and solstices were mapped out by the Africans."


According to the Ancient Egyptians themselves, the Egyptians came from the Land of Punt, the land of gods, ancestors and even Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt (15th century B.C.) said that Hathor The Mistress of Punt, her mother, was from the land of Punt, from 'Buun' the ancient name of Somalia!

Napata or Jebel Barkal Holy Mountain deep in Nubia or Sudan is the only truly sacred place universally known to archeologists, historians, and scholars that both Kushites and Egyptians mutually agreed that their Supreme God Amon-Re or Amun-ra or Aman-Ra appeared to them. This holy place in Africa is the most sacred place of the Kushite Egyptians and other Africans.

The Temple of Philae for Isis is another sacred place in Africa where Egyptians, Kushites, and other Africans all worship together.

Many or most of the Moral Ethics or symbolic gods representing Moral Ethics of the Egyptians are from Nubia or deep in Africa. A few examples:

Amen-Ra or Re, or Amun-Ra or Re  Supreme God.

Hathor - The symbolic mother of the Pharaohs or Kings and the Queens of Kush and Egypt.

Apedemak - A god of war.

Arensnuphis - Companion to the goddess Isis and worshipped primarily at her sacred site at Philae.

Dedun - A protector god of resources, specifically of goods.

Khenmu - He is the patron god of potters and those who work in ceramics.

Onuris (Anhur) - He was a god of war and hunting.

Mandulis (Marul or Merwel) - A Nubian solar deity.

Mekhit - Symbolizes the vengeful aspect of the Eye of Ra.

Satis (Satet or Satit) - Bring transformation.

Sebiumeker - A major deity in MeroeKush as god of procreation and fertility.

The Kushites and the Egyptians act together as one in worship and in wars against their enemies, as enumerated in the Holy Bible. They also never shared with foreigners their knowledge of pyramid-building and their other inventions. The eventual forceful taking of their secrets began with the invading Greeks and later the Ancient Romans.

To conclude, 'Buun' means in Somali 'Horn' and the Land of 'Buun' is located in the Horn of Africa or deeper toward southern Africa.

- Abdisalam Mahamoud, Master II degree: History of Civilisations and Religions.

Again the representations of the early Puntites, or Somali people, on the Egyptian monuments, show striking resemblances to the Egyptians themselves.

- ‘The Wisdom of the Egyptians' By Brian Brown New York: Brentano's [1923]

Encyclopædia Britannica located Punt as follows: 'In ancient Egyptian and Greek geography, the southern coast of the Red Sea, corresponding to modern coastal Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia.'"

- Encyclopædia Britannica

The innumerable Kushites' and Egyptians' stele, stone tablets, temples and mortuaries, papyri, hieroglyphics, hieratic scripts, and inscriptions on their monuments do not mention or imply any other land to be their ancestral homeland other than the Horn of Africa or deep into southern areas of Africa. These areas are from Nubia or Ethiopia to the lands of Tanzania and Lake Nalubaale to Olduvai Gorge of Kenya. Lake Nalubaale is the Mother of the Nile River. The Africans also call this lake the "Mother of God." Clearly, by their own written words and their own statues and statuettes, the Ancient Egyptians (Kemites) and Kushites are bio-diverse Africans from the southern lands deep inside Africa. 

The Bible refers to Egypt as "the land of Ham" in Psalms 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1st Chronicles 4:40.

​According to the Bible, Ham has three sons: Canaan (land of Canaan), Mizraim (Egypt), and Kush (Ethiopia) who is the father of the biblical Nimrod mentioned in the "Table of Nations" in Genesis 10:6 and 1st Chronicles 1:8.

The following are Bible examples and proof that the Egyptians and the Kushites or the Africans always saw themselves as one people who shared their knowledge and secrets in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics with only one another, and worshipped and united their forces to fight their enemies, contrary to what some scholars and historians say and write (Kush and Ethiopia are the same people just different Bible translations):

Nahum 3:8-10 - Are you better than Thebes that sat by the Nile, with water around her, her rampart a sea, and water her wall? Cush was her strength; Egypt too, and that without limit; Put and the Libyans were her helpers.

Nahum 3:9 - Cush and Egypt were her boundless strength; Put and Libya were among her allies.

Ezekiel 30:5 - Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.

Jeremiah 46:9 - Charge, you horses! Drive furiously, you charioteers! March on, you warriors-men of Cush and Put who carry shields, men of Lydia who draw the bow. (They march out of Egypt, arranged in their divisions; cavalry, chariots, and infantry to begin the campaign.)

Isaiah 20:5 - Then the Philistines will be thrown into panic, for they counted on the power of Ethiopia and boasted of their allies in Egypt!

2nd Chronicles 12:32 - with 1,200 chariots, 60,000 horsemen, and countless troops who came with him out of Egypt--Libyans, Sukkites, and Cushites.

2nd Chronicles 16:8 - Were not the Cushites and Libyans a vast army with many chariots and horsemen? Yet because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand.

Isaiah 20:5 - Those who made Cush their hope and Egypt their boast will be dismayed and ashamed.

Isaiah 20:1-6 - Then they shall be dismayed and ashamed because of Cush their hope and of Egypt their boast. And the inhabitants of this coastland will say in that day, ‘Behold, this is what has happened to those in whom we hoped and to whom we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria! And we, how shall we escape?’”

Ezekiel 30:4-9 - A sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish shall be in Cush, when the slain fall in Egypt, and her wealth is carried away, and her foundations are torn down. Cush, and Put, and Lud, and all Arabia, and Libya, and the people of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.

Isaiah 20:4 - So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptian captives and the Cushite exiles, both the young and the old, naked and barefoot, with buttocks uncovered, the nakedness of Egypt.

Ezekiel 30:9 - On that day messengers shall go out from me in ships to terrify the unsuspecting people of Cush, and anguish shall come upon them on the day of Egypt's doom; for, behold, it comes!

Psalms 105:23 & 27 - King David, the Psalmist, speaks of Ham and his sons in Africa in the Psalms and that "they performed miracles among them."

King David also speaks of "Israel in Egypt and Jacob in the land of Ham" and see also Psalms 106:22 where King David speaks of "the wondrous works in the land of Ham..."

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