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Posted by Kayla Bowen on

Written by Aston Farquharson



Ta Neteru is land of God

NTR or Ntchr or Neter means God

Mdw Ntr or Medu Neter means God’s Sacred Hieroglyphs Language


The True Makings of Ancient Egypt

Ta-Seti (Kushite-Ethiopians) Nubians are the Ancestors of the Ancient Egyptians.

Kushite means the Kushites, the Ancient Egyptians, the Nubians, the Ethiopians, Ta-Seti, Kerma, and the Anu. These are one and the same tribal people who migrated to North, East, and West Africa and were given different names over the last 2,500 years. Over 100,000 years, they are all descaendants of the Khoisan and Bantu farmers and herders adverse weather conditions drove to the African Great Lakes.


*French Egyptologist Emile Amélineau (1850-1915) first excavated evidence of the Anu People who were the predynastic people as well as the first dynasties of Ancient Egypt in Abydos, Nubia-Sudan (the early Ethiopians or Kushites). Kemet and this region were not yet renamed Egypt. 

*English Egyptologist William Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) after Emile, also excavated a predynastic Anu statue or statuette in Abydos, Nubia-Sudan (the early Ethiopians or Kushites) that has evidentiary inscriptions and a portrait of an Anu ruler or a Tera-Neter (a ruler priest). The inscriptions are translated to be a "Palace of the Anu at Ermant, Tera-neter" predating the first dynasties and Narmer-Menes in Ancient Egypt.

*Dr. Keith C. Seele, professor emeritus of Egyptology in the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago recovered the Qustul incense burner in Qustul, Nubian-Sudan the then capital of the Ta-Seti Empire (the early Ethiopians or Kushites).

*Dr. Bruce Williams of the Chicago Oriental Institute has written that the incense burner is "the first self-evident pharaonic monument from the Nile Valley… The idea of a pharaoh may have come down the Nile from Nubia to Egypt,'' Williams says. ''That would make Nubian civilization the ancestor of Egypt`s, at least in one critical aspect.''


The Palermo Stele also cites these predynastic and so-called "Mythical Kings" going back thousands of years before Ancient Egypt. 


The Turin Papyrus includes both predynastic and dynastic pharaohs and kings of Ancient Egypt, but also has the "divine pharaohs who came from elsewhere" and who reigned around 12,000 to 15,000 BC before Narmer-Menes first dynasty of Ancient Egypt. 


Tera-Neter Rulers or Kings or Pharaohs before Ancient Egypt

For about 100,000 years, African writing, arts, mathematics, science, and astronomy coalesced in Nubia-Sudan (the early Kushites) before the Africans created Ancient KMT or Kemet (Egypt):


Early arts: engravings, inscriptions, symbols, patterns, images of wildlife and people, the Supreme God Ra or Rë (Solar-Rë) and His symbolic pantheon of gods were what led Africans to develop the cultures leading to proto-writing and the sacred Medu Neter Hieroglyphics, the sacred Pyramid, Coffin, and Book of the Dead Texts. Their inventions in astronomy, mathematics, and engineering were inevitable:


For many thousands of years before Ancient Egypt, that the Africans had been advancing toward civilizations with African inventions was neither myths nor fantasies.

--Over 100,000 years ago engravings were found in the Blombos Cave in South Africa. These engravings signified early arts, writing, and drawing of Africans.

--Astronomy at Adams Calendar 75,000 years ago in South Africa evidenced the scientific and technological minds of the Africans.

--60,000-year-old ostrich egg in Diepkloof, South Africa had engravings, patterns, and symbols used in communicating information on the names of locale areas further cemented skills in arts for writing in Africa.

--Mathematical calculations on Congo’s Ishango Bone 22,000-30,000 years ago in Africa indicated the mathematics and language advancing toward inventions in chemistry (mudbricks and concrete) and physics (astronomy and earth science).

--South Africa’s Wonderwerk Cave paintings 25,000 years ago were used to communicate information using hundreds of different symbols, patterns, images of wildlife, and people evidencing that the hieroglyphics were not far away. 

--Astronomy and physics at Nabta Playa, Nubia-Sudan (the early Kushites or Ethiopians) 10,000 to 7,000 years ago in elaborate stydying and mapping of the Orion and other constellations were defining accomplishments used on the pyramids and the Great Sphinx.

--To top it off, a monumental civilization built the edifice called the Great Sphinx at Giza around 10,000 BC just down the Nile. From a religious perspective, it is the most world-reknown horsemakhet megalith of sacred worship by the predynastic civilizations of the Kushites in Nubian-Sudan thousands of years before Ancient Egypt. This may nullify the idea that rulers before Ancient Egypt were merely Mythical Kings. Farmers or herders could not have built this and other megaliths.

--6,000 years ago, Proto-Saharan writing found in Kharga, Nubia-Sudan is the oldest form of actual writing with inscriptions using images of the Nilotic god Seth in Africa. We now know that Seth was indisputably Nubian-Sudanese or Kushite.

--Nsibidi was likewise 6,000-year-old writing script used to communicate numerous other languages in West Central Africa. Many other writing systems also existed in Africa at the time.

--Kerma-Nubia-Kush-Ethiopia 8000 BC to 5500 BC is one of the precursor cultures of the late Kushite Empires that primarily engaged in agriculture and cattle herding. Imports consisted of gold objects, copper tools, faience (Tera-Neter), amulets and beads, seals, slate palettes, stone vessels, and a variety of pots. During this time, the Nubians began creating distinctive black topped, and red potteries.

--Kerma Deffufa temple of bricks was built before 3000 BC predating all Ancient Egytian pyramids by more than 500 years. Kerma was a large urban center that traded with the Near and Inida.

--Qustul, Nubia-Sudan capital of Ta-Seti 15000 BC t0 4000 BC, the Incense Burner settled it as the first place kingship began, evidentiary proof of very high level of civilization and sophistication in Africa, and proof that kingship existed in Nubia-Sudan before Ancient Egypt:


The Chicago's Oriental Institute examined a stone incense burner excavated in Qustul, the capital Ta-Seti, a kingdom and empire that predated Nubia, Kush, and Ancient Egypt. Engraved on the burner are a seated ruler, a palace portal, and a crown and falcon … motifs that became symbols of Egyptian pharaohs many generations later beginning with the 1st Dynasty. This shows that Nubia-Sudan (Kushites-Ethiopians) had pharaohs and kings hundreds or thousands of years before Ancient Egypt’s 1st Dynasty. It also means these Nubian pharaohs are the predynastic cultures that shaped Ancient Egypt in arts, sciences, astronomy, technology and engineering.


“The artifacts, including hundreds of fragments of pottery, jewelry, stone vessels, and ceremonial objects such as incense burners, were initially recovered from the Qustul cemetery by Keith C. Seele, a professor at the University of Chicago,” says the Institute. Archeological researcher Dr. Bruce Williams of the Chicago Oriental Institute says, “The majestic figure on the incense burner … is the earliest known representation of a king in the Nile Valley.”

Dr. Williams has written that the incense burner is "the first self-evident pharaonic monument from the Nile Valley… The idea of a pharaoh may have come down the Nile from Nubia to Egypt,'' Williams says. ''That would make Nubian civilization the ancestor of Egypt`s, at least in one critical aspect.''


In this aspect and many others, Dr. Williams has plenty of support going back the last 2000 years:

-The ancient Greek Historian Herodotus says: “The Egyptians derived their civilization and religion from Ethiopia.”

-Diodorus Siculus states that the Ethiopians are the source of Egyptian culture, traditions and civilization and that the Ethiopian Empire spread as far as India or the Far East. Diodorus also states further: “Osiris comes to the borders of Ethiopia…”  Siculus says further that the Ethiopians: “…are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair…”

-Sir E.B. Wallis Budge, Egyptologist, Orieintalist, and who worked at the British Museum states: “Homer and Herodotus call all the peoples of the Sudan, Egypt, Arabia, Palestine and Western Asia and India Ethiopians.” 

-Stephanus of Byzantium wrote: “Ethiopia was the first established country on earth; and the Ethiopians were the first to set up the worship of the gods and to establish laws.”

-Ephorus was another ancient Greek historian known for his “Universal History” says that: "The Ethiopians were considered as occupying all the south coasts of both Asia and Africa …this is an ancient opinion of the Greeks." 

  Amélineau states, “These Anu were agricultural people, raising cattle on a large scale along the Nile, shutting themselves up in walled cities for defensive purposes. To this people we can attribute, without fear of error, the most ancient Egyptian books, The Book of the Dead and the Texts of the Pyramids, consequently, all the myths or religious teachings. I would add almost all the philosophical systems then known and still called Egyptian. They evidently knew the crafts necessary for any civilization and were familiar with the tools those trades required. They knew how to use metals, at least elementary metals. They made the earliest attempts at writing, for the whole Egyptian tradition attributes this art to Thoth, the great Hermes an Anu like Osiris, who is called Onian in Chapter XV of The Book of the Dead and in the Texts of the Pyramids. Certainly the people already knew the principal arts; it left proof of this in the architecture of the tombs at Abydos, especially the tomb of Osiris and in those sepulchers objects have been found bearing unmistakable stamp of their origin, such as carved ivory, or a little head of a Nubian girl found in a tomb near that of Osiris, or the small wooden or ivory receptacles in the form of a feline head—all documents published in the first volume of my Fouilles d’Abydos”.

A Comparative Study and Racial Analysis of the Human Remains of Indus Valley Civilization was completed by B.K. Chatterjee and G.D. Kumar, (Calcutta, Sol Distributors, W. Neuman, 1965), p. 17:
“They compared the mean values of different cranial, facial, nasal, and orbital measurements of skulls related to various areas and periods of Egyptian civilization. Cranium material was analyzed from the pre-historic sites of Egypt Naqada II, Egypt Badari, plus Nubia Ariba, and were then compared with skulls from the Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasties and Saqqara, (Old Kingdom). The archaeologist found that all of these skulls in respect to “long head, broad face, low orbit, and broad nasal aperture have the characteristic features of the Negroid type”.


Diodorus Siculus also states “We must speak about the Ethiopian writings called hieroglyphics among the Egyptians.”


In Count Volney's Ruins of Empires, pp. 120-122, New York, 1926), he states, 

(Volney's Ruins of Empires, pp. 120-122, New York, 1926) The traditions concerning Memnon are interesting as well as instructive. He was claimed  as a king by the Ethiopians, and identified with the Pharaoh Amunoph or Amenhotep, by  the Egyptians. A fine statue of him is located in the British Museum, in London. 


Charles Darwin makes a reference to Egyptian statues in the British Museum in his “Descent of Man”: "When I looked at the statue of Amunoph III, I agreed with two officers of the establishment, both competent judges, that he had a strongly marked Negro type of features."


Lucian’s book on astrology states that: "The Ethiopians were the first who invented the science of stars, and gave names to the planets, not at random and without meaning, but descriptive of the qualities which they conceived them to possess; and it was from them that this art passed,  still in an imperfect state, to the Egyptians."


In sections in Volney's Ruins of Empires, pp. 120-122, New York, 1926), he wrote of Charles F. Dupuis three volumes of authoritative research “The Origin of Constellations”, “The Origin of Worship”, and “The Chronological Zodiac”. 


Dupuis states that origin of the zodiac was around 15,000 B.C. The American astronomer and mathematician, Professor Arthur M. Harding, established a timeline of origin of the zodiac to 26,000 B.C.


Scholars wrote that the pharaohs appeared in Egypt and built pyramids, obelisks, temples of stones with granite with no evidence of how they came by this knowledge of astronomy, physics, chemistry and engineering.

-English Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson says of all the pharaohs of Egypt "they seem to have no ancestors or periods of development, they seem to have appeared overnight." 

-Sir Gaston Camille Charles Maspero (1846-1916), a French Egyptologist and director general of excavations and antiquities in Egypt comments on the sacred Egyptian texts: "The religion and the texts which made it known to us were already established before the first dynasty. In order to understand them it is up to us to put ourselves in the frame of mind of the people who constructed them, more than seven thousand years ago." (Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, vol. XIX, p.12). 


-Amélineau declared with finality:

"From the various Egyptian legends, I have been able to conclude that the populations established in the Nile Valley, were Negro race, since the goddess Isis is said to be born in the form of a black red woman, that is to say, as I explained with the coffee-au-lait color that some Negroes have, whose skin seems to have metallic copper reflections." (extract from "Prolegomena to the Study of Egyptian Religion, 1916, Ed Leroux) Amélineau, Prolégomènes, pp. 124-125…

Amélineau is worth repeating: "These Anu were agricultural people, raising cattle on a large scale along the Nile, shutting themselves up in walled cities for defensive purposes. To this people we can attribute, without fear of error, the most ancient Egyptian books, The Book of the Dead and the Texts of the Pyramids, consequently, all the myths or religious teachings. I would add almost all the philosophical systems then known and still called Egyptian. They evidently knew the crafts necessary for any civilization and were familiar with the tools those trades required. They knew how to use metals, at least elementary metals. They made the earliest attempts at writing, for the whole Egyptian tradition attributes this art to Thoth, the great Hermes an Anu like Osiris, who is called Onian in Chapter XV of The Book of the Dead and in the Texts of the Pyramids. Certainly the people already knew the principal arts; it left proof of this in the architecture of the tombs at Abydos, especially the tomb of Osiris and in those sepulchers objects have been found bearing unmistakable stamp of their origin, such as carved ivory, or a little head of a Nubian girl found in a tomb near that of Osiris, or the small wooden or ivory receptacles in the form of a feline head--all documents published in the first volume of my Fouilles d'Abydos."

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1 comment

  • Senzo on

    Kindly please provide more info on the ANU-People!!

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