- Getting breakfast or lunch while out today? Say “no” when you’re asked if you’d like to add gravy.
- Eat a salad for lunch? Try it without oil today. I always add ingredients to my salad that have natural juices like tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, and grapes. With a squirt of lemon, it all combines and makes a great taste.
- Cooking dinner this evening? See if you can cut the amount of oil you use in half. You'd be surprised how little oil you can actually use to accomplish the same purpose.
- What is your biggest concern about not using oil?
- What will be the hardest part about not using oil for you?
- Did you succeed or struggle? How?
- Sauté or Stir Fry - Place food in hot pot or pan. Add only 1-2 tablespoons of water at a time to stop the food from sticking and to not steam the food. Continue tossing or stirring until the food is cooked or browned.
- Frying - Bake instead of deep-fry - She has a great method to get a crispy texture.
- Baking - Fruit purée, nut flour, and nut butters can replace oil, butter or shortening.
- Roasting - You don't need oil to roast food in the oven. Coat the food with vegetable stock or a water-soy sauce mixture and spices.
- More tips or detail? Here is the original article. https://www.forksoverknives.com/plant-based-cooking-how-to-cook-without-oil/#gs.jF2cHYA