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Understand How Prostate Disease Progresses & Learn How Your Body Can Stop It.

Posted by Jillian Pelliccio on
Understand How Prostate Disease Progresses & Learn How Your Body Can Stop It.

Prostate diseases occur in stages leading to prostate cancer. This article explains in detail how the stages progress and what you can do to stop it.

1. Causes

1.1 Toxins and Damaging Diet

  • Mutated DNA/genes at birth
  • Drugs or medications
  • Environmental Chemicals
  • Free Radicals
  • Dietary Inadequacies Factors (synthetic foods as well as foods with preservatives and foods grown or made with chemicals)

These may separately or cumulatively trigger mutations that lead to the development of prostate diseases such as:

  • Enlarged prostate
  • Prostatitis
  • Prostate infections

This is a scientific and biological conclusion that apply to all diseases and health issues.

Any one of these factors can lead to prostate cancer or other diseases and health issues Throughout this article assume that every health issue is a disease or related to a disease. Prostate diseases are typically caused from a range of factors such as:

  • a high-fat diet
  • a life without exercise
  • obesity
  • radiation
  • oxidizing free radicals
  • toxic damage to cells, tissues and organs

These factors inevitably result in ischemic necrosis of your body, in other words, inflammation and infections in the prostate. Therefore, your body becomes septic with inflammation and innumerable mini-infections that damage your blood circulation and reduces oxygen supply to organs causing sickness in the prostate as well as your body. Under these conditions, mutation to genes and DNA may occur causing cancer of any type to develop in your body.

This is what happens: if your work or home environments, the foods you eat or the air you breathe have chemicals, toxins, germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and microbes (the defecation of the foregoing creatures), they damage cells, tissues, organs, glands that lead to inflammation. Inflammation is damaged cells and tissues your body can’t repair and so it builds up, spreads, then forms infections. If your body’s immune system is too weak to eradicate the inflammation, it could mature into serious diseases like cancer.

If the root cause factors of prostate cancer and other cancers remain in your body after cancer occurs, these factors will likely cause cancers to spread to other tissues, organs and glands like the prostate. Initial, non-aggressive cancers can become aggressive, uncontrolled cancers that spread to bone marrow, the lung, and brain because these organs have soft fatty tissues.

1.2 Free Radicals

Free Radicals are a species of disease factors that are more potent and deadly than all the disease factors above put together.

Oxygen gives life, but also takes life. Incredible right? Well, too much oxygen is toxic to our cells, tissues, organs and glands. Oxygen powered up by additional energy called electrons, those little things in atoms that give energy and balance to all things even non-life forms, can change and destroy biochemistry faster than the disease factors above. Oxygen interacting with the very biochemical your bodies can’t exist without (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon in their biochemical forms just to name a few) can cause mutations in genes, malignancies, cancers and every disease or health problem imaginable.

Free radicals damage DNA and genes by breaking their bonds, destroying the stability of their chemistry, and even rewriting the chemistry of DNA, genes, chromosomes, amino acids or proteins!

A few of the main free radicals, known to science so far, are:

  • hydroxyl
  • superoxide anion
  • peroxynitrite
  • hydrogen peroxide

If your body is unable to produce the enzymes to remove any one of these free radicals, your body is toxic and cancer and any disease will occur. Yes, I actually mean “will” because your body’s biochemistry, in this case, has been rewritten by these free radicals. In such a situation, your body will not and cannot function with excess amounts of those free radicals. You must support your body to detox these free radicals so that your body can rebuild itself by repairing the free radical damage.

1.3 Medications

Medications or drugs do save lives, but they have side effects as disclosed to you by the drug manufacturers. You must therefore, take the medications but also start detoxing and rebuilding your body and your immune system to repair the inevitable to damage to cells, tissues, organs and glands. The longer you depend on medication, the more aggressively you’ll need to nourish your body and support the cleansing of your systems.

1.4 Hereditary Diseases and Cancers

Inherited mutations in genes from parents, grandparents or fore parents may cause prostate cancer. Hereditary prostate cancer typically occurs in men ages 40 to 60, which is much earlier in life than non-hereditary men. Men with mutations in their genes have a higher risk factor of developing prostate cancer as well as other cancers. Non-hereditary prostate cancers typically occur between 70 and 80 years old.

In people with germline (nature) mutations, changes in other genes, together with environmental and lifestyle factors (nurture) influence whether a person will develop aggressive prostate cancer as well as other cancers.

1.5. Inflammation then Infection or both:

Inflammation is the beginning stage of all diseases from the common cold to cancer. This inflammation worsens if not removed from your body. Inflammation is low-level infection composed of dead cells or dead tissues floating in the affected area of tissues or organs that spreads throughout your body.

In the affected prostate, the inflammation or infection causes lack of blood circulation and nutrients to get to the cells and tissues of the prostate. The cells and tissues start to decay just like a plant in your home that gets no water or light or food. Eventually, if not fixed, the whole prostate itself may become a cancerous tumor (meaning the prostate is now dying). This is the decaying of your biochemistry: the tissues or organs that could spread to your whole body.

2. Who Is of Higher-Risk?

In the United States and the Caribbean, statistics have shown that men of African ancestry have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men of other racial backgrounds, and there is a higher risk of them dying prematurely from the disease.

Cancers occur when genetic mutations build up in critical genes, specifically those that control cell growth and cell division. Cancers also occur from damages to the repair genes that exist to rebuild and sustain healthy DNA and genes. Damage cells multiply while damaged (the cell-growth genes now creating sister sick cells) to form a tumor, mass, lumps, cysts and other abnormal tissues in organs.

3. Results

3.1 Prostate Disease:

Inflammation or infection or both indicates that a prostate disease problem has now occurred as indicated by enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or prostate cancer. It could be an infection in the prostate called prostatitis. It could be benign prostate hyperplasia that is also called enlarged prostate. Enlarged prostate means the prostate is swollen by the presence of inflammation and infection cause from any one or more of the disease factors above.

3.2 Enlarged Prostate:

An Enlarged Prostate or swollen prostate typically presses against the urethra tubes carrying urine from the kidneys. This partial blockage disrupts urine flow and prevents the bladder from completely emptying. So the bladder refills quickly and triggers the need to urinate often. This cycle is referred to as urinary frequency.

3.3 Urinary Frequency:

The prostate decay becomes inflamed or infected causing cells and tissues to swell into a disease state. It’s now blocking blood circulation and nutrients from getting to the areas of the prostate gland. Over time the blockages and lack of blood flow and oxygen cause mutation or deformities in the genes because the prostate is in a disease state of chronic malnutrition or starving for oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to mutation and then prostate cancer.

If you have urine frequency because of the prostate gland, it’s likely there is infection or inflammation in the gland. You must do everything to detox the disease factors above and then you must rebuild your immune system to fix the damaged cells and tissues. This will help you to prevent your prostate from developing cancer at this stage.

As you can see, your body can develop prostate diseases and prostate cancer in hundreds of ways besides hereditary, germs, bacteria, virus, toxic chemicals. Your body can develop cancer by the cells and tissues breaking down on their own because of stress and oxidative stress. This is called free radical damages.

If your body develops prostate cancer cells, it means your DNA genes in the prostate gland are terminally damaged and are decaying. Your life is potentially in grave danger. A localized cancer in the prostate is one problem. The cancer cells could move to other organs and glands where disease factors also exist, making the cancer likely to spread to these affected areas. There are no guaranteed treatments or cures for any cancer. AND, there is no cure for any disease on Earth. Do your utmost to prevent your prostate from decaying into cancer.

3.4 Prostate Cancer:

In people with germline (the “nature” half of “nature vs. nurture”) mutations, these are changes in genes. Together with environmental and lifestyle factors (the “nurture” half of “nature vs. nurture”), may determine whether a person will develop prostate cancer.

Hereditary prostate cancers tend to develop earlier in life than non-inherited cases.

In the United States, African Americans have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than do men of other ethnic backgrounds, and they also have a higher risk of dying from the disease.

Cancers occur when genetic mutations build up in critical genes, specifically those that control cell growth and division or those genes that are responsible for the repair of damaged DNA. These changes allow cells to grow and divide uncontrollably to form a tumor.

4. The Medical Perspective on Prostate Genetics:

Inherited mutations in particular genes, scientists and researchers call BRCA1, BRCA2, and HOXB13, account for some cases of hereditary prostate cancer. Men with mutations in these genes have a high risk of developing prostate cancer and, in some cases, other cancers during their lifetimes. In addition, men with BRCA2 or HOXB13 gene mutations may have a higher risk of developing life-threatening and aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

5. The Solution

Detoxify & Rebuild from the following forms of damage to your DNA/Genes, cells, tissues, organs & glands:

Again, mutated DNA/genes after birth are damaged by dangerous factors like:

  • Germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and microbes (the defecation of the foregoing creatures),
  • Drugs or medications,
  • Environmental Chemicals,
  • Home & Workplace Chemicals and Toxins
  • Free Radicals
  • Dietary Poisons like processed Foods and Foods with Chemical Preservatives
  • ETC.

These Factors damage cells, tissues, organs, glands by destroying bonds and modifying their chemical structures as well as the biochemistry causing genes to create faulty proteins, faulty hormones, faulty enzymes or the genes simply malfunction or stop working altogether. This is what leads to inflammation and infections which are the resulting decay of the cells and organs for example:

  • a sick pancreas causing Diabetes
  • a sick cardiovascular system of the blood and blood vessels causing HBP
  • a sick liver causing HBC
  • a sick prostate causing urine, frequency, enlarged prostate, elevated psa and prostate cancer
  • sick or imbalanced hormones causing fibroids, cysts, tumors, irregular menstrual, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other female type cancers.
  • a sick DNA or gene could lead to autoimmune diseases, brain, neurological problems and cancers as well as prostate cancer.

What does sick or damaged cells, tissues, organs & glands mean?

It means the germs, bacteria, viruses, and microbes are feeding on chemicals in the cells and tissues (organs and glands), using your body as food.

It means the toxins, chemicals, acidic foods, sugar, and salts are acids burning the cells and organs, glands and blood vessels, damaging the bonds structures of the genes and cells.

Detoxing means to assist your body in removing these disease causing factors altogether.

Rebuilding means assisting the body to repair damaged or sick cells, genes, DNA, organs and glands so that they function normally again.

Remove the following factors from your lifestyle and your body will function to repair any existing damage. It’s important to take action now in case it becomes too late for your body to fix itself:

  • Mutated DNA/genes
  • Drugs or medications
  • Environmental chemicals
  • Home & workplace chemicals and toxins
  • Free radicals
  • Dietary poisons
  • Synthetic foods
  • Foods with preservatives
  • Foods grown or made with chemicals
  • Foods whose genetics have been changed or altered

These may separately or cumulatively trigger mutations that lead to the development of all diseases including high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, infections and cancers.


Pain is your body screaming for help. Prostate issues such as urine frequency, enlarged prostate, elevated PSA, and prostate cancer is your body screaming for help.

NuSpecies’ nutritional formulas assist your body to detox, cleanse and to rebuild itself. But don’t just detox and rebuild for prostate diseases like urine frequency or prostate cancer. Detox and rebuild so that your body heals or fixes the whole body! That’s the best chance you have at empowering the body to protect against this kind of damage in the future.

If you haven’t had a free consultation with NuSpecies regarding your prostate health, please book your appointment today. 866-624-4117

If you can, please contact your doctor’s office and have them fax your most recent blood work to our office at 347-696-7965. If you don’t have any recent blood work, is your yearly physical overdue? If you’re not sure if you should wait to get blood work before making your NuSpecies’ appointment, then call client services and explain your situation. They’ll help you figure out the best way to move forward.

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