"What do you want?" can be a hard question for you to answer. At its most foundational level, it requires you to have the audacity to believe that you deserve to have what you want.
Once you build up the courage to truly desire something, the hard part can be figuring out how to obtain it.
I've recently learned a basic skill that helps me approach the process of getting what I want and it has two parts:
Be very clear about what I want.
Break it down into small achievable and measurable parts.Â
When it comes to your health, it may look something like this:
Instead of saying, "I want to cure my diabetes", you may write down a goal that sounds like this, "I want to lower my A1C to 4."
Breaking it down into small achievable and measurable parts may sound like this, "I will lower my A1C by 1 by my next checkup (and so on...). This may include some sub-goals like:
I will move my body for 10 minutes after each meal.
I will take my NuSpecies formulas everyday as instructed.
I will batch prepare 7 salads on Sunday and eat one salad per day this week.
To be sure I take action, I might employ the following tools:
Set an alarm on my phone for the time I plan to take NuSpecies
Schedule calendar events with notifications for all three goals.
Write down my intentions and keep them by my bedside so that I can read them to myself when I wake each morning, making it much more likely that I will follow through later in the day.
You have so much more power to influence your health than you think.Â
Start by being decisive about what you really want. Then make a simple plan, with measurable actions steps to move you toward that goal.Â
And always remember, NuSpecies is here for you every step of the way.Â
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